Observing Report
Observing Report Template for PHYS 183
2022 Winter
Student #:
Please give three designations (or names) of the target observed (i.e. M 101, HIP 101856, The
Orion Nebula, etc…). Objects are often included in many catalogs which means that for the same object you will have many different names. For solar system objects please use historical names from different cultures:
Insert your RGB COLOR processed image (you need to combine 3 images to produce this):
The following questions may require Stellarium and reading the image header. In which
constellation does the target lie? In what part of the sky was the object when it was observed
(i.e. North, West, East, South, etc…)? Give the coordinates of the target in RA, DEC and
ALT, AZ at the telescope location at the time of the observation.
The following questions are long-form and your answers are expected to be complete paragraphs on a separate page. The paragraphs should show an understanding of the topic beyond simply stating a list of facts.
—————————————————————————————————————————- Question 1:
In 300-500 words, please explain the relevance of this object to the PHYS 183 course material and its importance to astronomy. (Some question you may seek to answer are: What beyond the object itself is learned by studying this class of objects? What sorts of telescopes and observations would be needed for more detailed, broader reaching studies of this source and objects of its nature?)
Question 2:
In 300-500 words, compare and contrast the specific object to at least 2 other objects in its source class (e.g. if it’s an isolated star, to different types of isolated stars). Explain both observational and physical differences, as well as what the comparison teaches us about the source class in general.