An Unpatched Zero-Day in Microsoft Windows 10
An unpatched zero-day is a windows 10 bug that corrupts the hard drive. The article “Windows 10 bug corrupts your hard drive on seeing this file’s icon” gives an in-depth insight on the bug exploits through a series of tests done by BleepingComputer team(Abrams, 2021). The article handles this broad subject in three areas; it describes what the bug in windows is, how it is caused, and how it can be exploited. Basically, an unpatched zero-day allows attackers to corrupt a hard drive, NTFS-formatted, with a one-line command. Nonetheless, this NTFS issue is expected in the older Windows XP versions (FAT32 vs. NTFS: Choose Your Own Format, n.d.).
This windows bug is caused by the NTFS vulnerability, which can be exploited by attackers. They take advantage by using a single-line command that immediately corrupts the hard-drive. This attack prompts the user to restart the computer to repair the NTFS-formatted hard disk records. Moreover, this exploit in the NTFS vulnerability was more substantial in the windows 10 build 1803. Additionally, standard and low privileged accounts on windows can lead to the NTFS vulnerability. The attribute ‘$i30’, referred to as NTFS Index Attribute gives directories with a list of directory’s files in the system. Moreover, the path can also be accessed in the background as long as the user opens the “C:” folder. Ideally