EBP Change Process (form)
The use of this specific form is REQUIRED and is due at the end of Week 6.
Identify a clinical topic and related nursing practice issue you think needs to be changed (I selected Central venous catheter access dressing change and infections since it’s always a hot topic).
Locate a systematic review on your topic from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews located in the Chamberlain Library. Be sure this involves nursing actions (See below for attached systemic review with the
– I chose a longer review for the length of available content. Feel free to use as much info from the article as you see fit, but this must be used. Additional attached reference can be used as support information or you may find your own).
Work through each step of the ACE Star Model as outlined on the assignment form (Star Points 1-5: Discovery, Summary, Translation, Implementation, and Evaluation). Respond to the instructions provided on the form.
Follow the activities and think of Nurse Daniel in Weeks 1-6 in the “Illustration’ part of each lesson (see attachment). He will be working through a clinical topic and nursing practice issue to demonstrate a change (ACE Star Model and systematic review).
Please cite any references (in APA format) of your systematic review or other scholarly document (optional) as needed. Paraphrasing information, rather than quoting, is expected. No quotes for this assignment please!
A systematic review from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was selected, identified, and was appropriate for the selected nursing change process. 25.0 pts One systematic review from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was identified and was clearly appropriate.
Star Point 1 (Discovery) The topic, nursing practice issue, rationale and scope of practice were clearly identified and described. 25.0 pts Star Point 1 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStar Point 2 (Summary) The NURSING practice problem, NURSING related PICOT question, Cochrane systematic review, and other optional references, evidence summary, strength, and solutions, are listed and described. 35.0 pts Star Point 2 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.
Star Point 3 (Translation) Care standards, practice guidelines, or protocols; stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities; the nursing role; rationale for including certain stakeholders, and cost analysis plan are addressed. 35.0 pts Star Point 3 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStar Point 4 (Implementation) Permission process, education plan, timeline, measurable outcomes, forms, resources, and stakeholder meetings, are addressed. 35.0 pts Star Point 4 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStar Point 5 (Evaluation) Reporting results, process and next steps are addressed. 35.0 pts Star Point 5 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation was presented clearly and thoughts were well organized and logical. 20.0 pts Information was presented clearly and thoughts were well organized and logical throughout.
The systematic review and any other scholarly resources were properly listed in APA format. The writing includes error free grammar and spelling, and complete sentence structure. 15.0 pts Excellent mechanics and APA formatting with minimal errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
Gavin NC, Webster J, Chan RJ, Rickard CM. (2016). Frequency of dressing changes for central venous access devices on catheter”related infections. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009213. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009213.pub2.
Conley, S. B. (2016). Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection Prevention: Standardizing Practice Focused on Evidence-Based Guidelines. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 20(1), 23-26. https://doi-org.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org”¦