the assignment is basically finding an accident which is Virginia tech shooting and creating a senario like it. all what you about the assignment is below:
student will be required to submit as part of a student team, a mock accident scenario. The mock accident report will include the following items:
Link to a Real Event or Events (15 Points)
The mock accident report will be based on an actual accident. The team must include a link and description of the actual.
Summary of the planned mock accident scenario the team is preparing: (25 Points)
The team’s mock accident does not need to be exactly like the one you reference. Each team must submit a 300 word summary of the planned mock accident.
Diagram of Mock Accident set up. (20 Points)
Use drawing, photos, etc. to inform me of what the event would look like. You have taken the Accident Investigation course. Thus you have seen a live presentation of a mock accident.
Discussion Folder Comments: (25 points – Individual score for this one)
Each student will be graded on their participation in the Mock Accident planning and preparation by their comments posted in the Discussion folder. Multiple comments should be posted by each student member of the team.
References: (10 Points)
Include a full and properly formatted reference or references for the mock accident. Use APA style. Be sure references are cited in the text.
All papers should be typed. They will be assessed for content/accuracy, sufficient details, neatness, spelling, and grammar.
Miscellaneous Items: (15 points)
Each required section as listed above.
Grammar 10%.
Formatting 5%.