Hello there, I would like you to help me writing my paper
Annotated Bibliography
“There is no perfect time to write. There’s only now.”
-Barbara Kingsolver
In Week 3 we continue with our focus on strengthening skillsets and growing our knowledge base for success. In addition, we will learn various aspects of critical thinking, review academic dishonesty, and practice and strengthen valuable research skills. As you move through your academic career, you will hear the term “critical thinking” often. It is one of the goals professors want students to be able to do well by the time they graduate. In addition to critical thinking, we will also discuss learning styles and concepts of multiple intelligences, and each student will complete an annotated bibliography on a topic from this course. The annotated bibliography will serve as one component of the Week 4 Final Paper.
This assignment is designed so that you can practice your research skills. For your Annotated Bibliography, you will research a topic of your choice from this class that you want to learn more about. Use the National University library and/or a public or university/college library near you. Include books, book chapters, and/or peer-reviewed journal articles (any combination of these is acceptable) on your annotated bibliography. The NU library has an extensive journal database as well as book holdings available for your use. No websites can be included for this assignment. If you have any questions, feel free to check with me or one of the NU librarians (They are available for live chats.). Include 3-4 peer-reviewed sources (books or articles from scholarly journals only-No websites or popular magazines) on the Annotated Bibliography. Wikipedia and other such tertiary sources are not acceptable sources for this assignment. For your convenience, I have added sample annotated bibliographies to Course Resources. These will give you a visual example of what you might do for this assignment.
Your first step will be to choose a topic we have or will discuss in class for the assignment. For example, if you’re interested in active learning or learning styles, either one is a solid topic to research. For a topic with multiple points, like learning styles, narrow your focus to one aspect of that topic. In addition, when choosing a topic, consider researching something that will help you moving forward. For instance, if you have issues with retaining what you read or need to strengthen your study habits, perhaps active reading or building better study techniques will be good possible topics for your research. After the topic is chosen, decide what point you want to examine about the topic. In essence, what you would be arguing about the topic if you were writing a paper. Each annotated bibliography entry should include the name of the work, author or editor, publication information, and 4-6 sentences about the source and how it would help you write an essay on the topic you’ve chosen.
General Format Guidelines:
The annotated bibliography generally will be minimum of 4-6 sentences in length. It should be in MLA format (see the Little Seagull Handbook or the library link to a quick guide below) written in paragraph form, and include the bibliographic information for the source in MLA format, a summary of the source (minimum 2-3 sentences), and an evaluation of how the source would benefit a paper on your chosen topic (minimum 2-3 sentences).
-The Bibliographic Source Information (author, title, publication information, etc)-Your annotated bibliography should be in MLA format and in alphabetical order. See the MLA section of The Little Seagull Handbook or any of the links below for correct formatting of your source information.
-The Summary- (minimum 2-3 sentences)
What is this source about? Focus on main arguments, themes, and conclusions. Do the author’s credentials suggest that they are well-qualified to write the source?
-The Evaluation- (minimum 2-3 sentences)
With the evaluation, focus on how this source will be useful and relevant to a paper on your topic. How will it benefit your research and help you support the ideas in the paper. Additional points to discuss: Is the author objective in the presentation of the information. Is the information supported by facts, or is it the author’s opinion.
MLA Quick Guide link from the NU library:
Click on MLA Guide
For additional information, see OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab at
This page (http://nu.libguides.com/students) also has very good library resources and services available for students who are researching and writing papers. Resources and services include quick guides for APA and MLA formats; help finding articles, books, and reference books; a chat feature to contact a reference librarian for assistance; and a video on navigating the library website.
Let me know if you have any questions or you need any more information.
Thank you.