1st Interactive Response:
Analyze the fit of the product fits a lifestyle or psychographic in one student’s post.
2nd Interactive Response:
Select another student’s post and analyze the fit between benefit and consumer.
Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 150 words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say “I agree” or “That is great.” Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use research in your responses, but it is not required.
In your own words, respond to the discussion and comments of classmates. Grades will be based on effectual, concise, and interactive feedback. The excessive use of quotes will directly impact performance, since this indicates a lack of comprehension and shows that you may not have mastered the concepts.
1st Interactive Response:
Analyze the fit of the product fits a lifestyle or psychographic in one student’s post.
GroomIt 2 Go – Celebrates World Environment Day!
This 5th of June, GroomIt 2 Go – your neighborhood mobile dog grooming experts, would like to invite you to our celebration event, and we also want to highlight the important role we all have in efforts to tackle the environmental challenges faced today around the world. According to the EPA, in 2015 it was estimated that over 282 million tons of waste was produced in the U.S. and almost 48% was recycled, composted or used for energy recovery (“EPA”, 2018). As recycling efforts across the country continue to rise every year, we here at GroomIt 2 Go want to provide you with a few socially responsible ways you can join us in paving the path in our efforts towards a safer and cleaner environment.
– A Greener Picnic. As summer begins, we tend to enjoy spending more time with our family and pets in the great outdoors. It is also a tendency to use a lot more disposable products made of plastic and paper. However, using a reusable picnic set can reduce the amount of waste produced and will probably save you money in the long run. Our GroomIt 2 Go mobile units are equipped with 100% eco-friendly and recyclable products, ensuring our contributions to sustainability while reducing our waste “paw-print”.
– Summer Detox. Part of summer fun is to see our pets enjoy themselves in our backyards. The warm weather also tends to attract unwanted bugs. Instead of using products that could be toxic to the environment and your pet, look for eco-safe products that contain natural ingredients. We at GroomIt 2 Go pride ourselves in carrying a complete eco-friendly pet product line, and use only 100% pet-safe cleaning products to ensure a safe and healthy environment for your dog, and the planet.
Finally, remember to join us and don’t forget that no matter how big or small your effort, every step counts toward a better environment for the community, and our beloved canine friends.
EPA. (2018, September 20). Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures Report. Retrieved June 10, 2019, from https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/advancing-sustainable-materials-management
2nd Interactive Response:
Select another student’s post and analyze the fit between benefit and consumer.
Family Centered Fitness: Valuing Your Family and Health in the Community
Family Centered Fitness is centered on providing the community a place to take the family to grow together and develop healthy lifelong habits.The product fits the lifestyle of achievers and experiencers with the key features of proving weekly fitness classes and organized family fitness days.
The Product: Family Centered Fitness
Family Centered Fitness is a family-oriented health and fitness club that provides a fitness location for families.Upon joining Family Centered Fitness, members are allowed access to the main gym, participate in group or individual classes that target different ability levels, and utilize sports fields that provide open space for family activity.While most gyms focus on adult fitness with childcare, this fitness center targets both the adult and child’s physical activity with synchronized fitness classes for adults and younger aged kids.Additionally, family classes would be offered to facilitate family interaction.Last, families would have access to the gym, pool, and open turf area along with family organized events on the weekends.In order to best support the families’ accessibility, the gym would be located in or very close to residential areas.
Fitting the lifestyle and Psychographic to Family Centered Fitness
Family Centered Fitness is best supported by the lifestyles of achievers and experiencers.The lifestyles of achievers include being committed to family, goal oriented, and hardworking (US, n.d.).The fitness center will help establish goals for individuals and the family and allow them to work together to reach success.This can be as simple as attending class three times a week or as specific as reaching a specific weight in the gym or number of laps in a certain time in the pool.The lifestyle of experiencers is supported by Family Centered Fitness because they are very sociable, love physical activity, and believe friends are extremely important (US, n.d.).The fitness center provides a community for families to interact as well as new and different opportunities for families to conduct physical activity.
Key Features of Family Centered Fitness
Besides the health benefits, two key features of Family Centered Fitness are the structured weekly classes that support fitness for all ages and family days on the weekends.The structured weekly classes provide opportunity for family to attend fitness classes that are synchronized allowing younger kids to have structured fitness while adults attend class that address their different fitness level.The synchronized classes allow individuals to advance the health benefits of fitness at different fitness levels while also developing the social aspect of interaction. Family day on the weekends would focus on benefits of approaching tough challenges as a family and increasing family communication through obstacle courses and interactive sports/events.Family days would also emphasize teaching loved ones the importance of healthy lifelong habits and building confidence by sharing in individual achievement while growing together (Bracco, 2015). Last, a key feature is placing the fitness center in a location that allows families easy access.Families are very busy and having an easily accessible location will be important while also building reliable community relationships within the neighborhoods.
The lifestyles of achievers and experiencers focus on relationships and experiences.Family Centered Fitness allows achievers the ability to achieve goals and support their commitment to family while experiencers will address their need for physical activity and building relationships.The structured classes allow for individuals to achieve individual fitness goals while building community relationships, and the weekend family classes allow families to bond and build confidence together.
Bracco, N. (2015). The Benefits of Exercising as a Family.Working Mother. Retrieved from https://www.workingmother.com/blogs/natalie039s-tips/benefits-exercising-family.
James, G. (2012). How to Sell: Value, Benefits, or Features? Inc. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/how-to-sell-value-benefits-or-features.html.
Joseph, J. (2015). The Functional Benefits of Your Product Only Get You So Far. Entrepreneur. Retrieved from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/247603.
Scarlet. (2015). 10 Important Benefits of Spending Time with Family. Family Focus Blog. Retrieved from https://familyfocusblog.com/6-benefits-of-spending-time-together-as-a-family/.
US Framework and VALS Types. (n.d.). Strategic Business Insights.Retrieved from. http://www.strategicbusinessinsights.com/vals/ustypes.shtml.
Module 2 – Background
Good-Corp-Bad-Corp Chapter 1 Corporations and their Social Responsibility (PDF)”The Social Purpose of Business: Brand Activism as a CEO Imperative” – Philip Kotler and Christian Sarkarhttp://www.marketingjournal.org/the-social-purpose-of-business-brand-activism-as-a-ceo-imperative-philip-kotler-and-christian-sarkar/
The Functional Benefits of Your Product Only Get You So Farhttps://www.entrepreneur.com/article/247603
How to Sell: Value, Benefits, or Features?https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/how-to-sell-value-benefits-or-features.html