This project is designed to help you analyze your current eating and behavior patterns then create an ideal meal plan that fulfills your personal nutrition needs.
Step # 1 Data Collection
Record (on paper) everything you eat and drink for 3 new days of input (you are welcome to include more days-since this is a condensed course, I chose 3).
Record time for meal/snack and where you ate it.
Record why you ate it/how you were feeling (hungry, bored, social, stressed).
Include everything you consume: drinks, snacks, candy, alcohol, etc.
Be as specific as possible about the amount that you eat. Ex. 2 cups of penne pasta, 20 oz coke.
Type above and include with the project.
Step # 2 Computer Analysis – Using Diet and Wellness Plus Program
Enter your foods by day and meal.Note: Some foods may not be available but can be entered as custom foods (note:custom foods may not be included in the MyPlate report).
Required Reports include:
Food Log Reports:3 days of food input (food, amount, total calories- 3 pages)
Three-day Average for:
Macronutrient Ranges (1 page)
Fat BreakDown (1 page)
MyPlate Analysis (1 page)
Intake vs. Goals (1-2 pages, NOT the intake spreadsheet)
Step # 3 Creation of Ideal Day
Create a one-day meal plan full of healthy food choices that you would eat.The meal plan should focus on balance, variety, and adequacy.You will use the Diet and Wellness Plus Program to help create this meal plan.
Balance: Include balanced portions from all of the food groups to ensure nutrient density. Macronutrients must be within the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs) and number of recommended grams.Incorporating three or four different food groups at a meal is a good key to achieving a balanced meal plan.
Variety: Each of the meals should have unique foods, but not exotic/expensive foods.Some of the foods can be repeated but variety of food is a major objective of the project.
Adequacy: Your average calorie intake for the meal plan must meet or equal plus or minus 20% of your estimated caloric needs based on the diet analysis program. Meet 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for saturated fat (<10%), added sugars (<10%) and sodium (< 2300mg/ day).Note:fruits/dairy will have natural sugars.Review processed/packaged foods for added sugars.Meet DW+ water amount.
Practical Considerations: When creating your meal plan keep in mind practical considerations such as cost, convenience, preference, and availability.Meals and snacks should have realistic amounts of foods and calories.Refer to your three day intake from Project #1 to help incorporate foods you usually eat and allow you to improve your current diet.
Upload project to MyCourses and include:
Your project must include a written/typed outline (use word or pdf) of the ideal meal plan with Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks clearly outlined with defined "ideal" times (i.e breakfast 9am, snack 10:30am).Specify food and amounts (oz, cups, tsp, etc.) for each meal/snack.Break up foods to show each component (i.e. specify whole wheat bun, % of fat for ground beef, amount of lettuce, ketchup, etc. instead of choosing "hamburger"/state each component of a salad).DO NOT include supplements/multi-vitamins.
Your reports must show how your plan meets the recommendations for calories as well as macronutrient ranges and # of grams for carbohydrates, protein, and fat.Your meal plan must meet recommendations for water, saturated fat, added sugar, and sodium.
Reports from Diet Analysis Plus to include for the Ideal Day Meal Plan:
Daily Food Log Report (do NOT include supplements/multi-vitamins)
Intake vs. Goals report
Macronutrient ranges report
MyPlate analysis report:you do NOT need to reach 100% of all MyPlate groups, but there must be balance amongst the groups.If you avoid dairy, you can state this in your discussion.
Discuss if this meal plan was difficult or easy for you to create.How does it differ from your current diet, if at all?
Is this a type of meal plan that you could follow?What are the obstacles to following the plan?Discuss influencing factors to when, why and what you eat such as time, convenience and mood (stressed, bored, social).What would help you follow the plan?Consider positive influencing factors such as nutritional knowledge, cooking skills, time and money.
Discuss if you are trying to maintain, lose or gain weight and why (explain why you created a meal over or under required calories and your end goal-calories must still equal + or - 20%).
After creating a healthy meal plan, are you deficient (< 100%) or over the UL (!) for any vitamins and minerals?Refer to the Intake vs. Goals report and state the potential concerns regarding each of these nutrients as well as others you struggle with.State specific foods you could include in order to meet target numbers by increasing/decreasing intake or substituting a different food (Assignment # 2 should help).You can discuss supplements, but I want to see foods to include first.
What are some important facts or ideas you have learned from this exercise (you can refer to nutrition facts, portion sizes, calorie amounts, meeting nutrient guidelines, etc)?
Re-state and reflect upon the nutrition goals you had at the beginning of the course, discussing any progress you have made towards those goals.Note any other thoughts or feelings that you experienced while doing this project or throughout the course.Finally, state at least 3 new goals for the future (use the specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based S.M.A.R.T. approach).
Discussion should be approximately 3 pages, double spaced (this does not include reports).
Grading:100 pts
Meet Calorie needs (+/-20% with discussion of why):6 pts
Meet macronutrient percentages:9 pts
Meet macronutrient # of grams:15 pts
Meet balance in myplate food groups/overall balance in amounts:8 pts
Meet Water needs and 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Sodium, Saturated Fat and Added Sugar:12 pts
Variety, practical consideration, healthy choices, overall plan:15 pts
Discussion of Vitamins & Minerals with additions and/or substitutions:12 pts
Overall Discussion, Reflection and Goal Setting:14 pts
Data Collection, Ideal Day Meal Outline & Reports:9 pts
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