There are 2 posts that I have to comment them. Each one no less than three sentences and 100 words.
No research need it. Since we just have to comment them, please don’t do it way too professional. Ex. I agree with you”¦.
The original question for post is:
Do the research and explain the relationship between the Industrial Revolution, as a transforming event in Western Civilization and the following:
The creation of the new middle-class comprised of bankers and manufacturers,
The rise of Liberalism, Nationalism, and Socialism
Revolution in France, the Germanic States, Austrian Empire, and the revolts in the Italian States
The Reform in Great Britain.
Post 1:
Explain the relationship between the Industrial Revolution, as a transforming event in Western Civilization and the following: -The creation of the new middle-class comprised of bankers and manufacturers, The Industrial Revolution created many new opportunities for earning wealth. Much of this wealth went to the manufacturers who were tapping new markets and producing goods at previously unheard of levels. Another avenue for profit was found in investing in emerging industries. Bankers were best positioned to take advantage of the investment opportunities. As financial backers, they also gained much when industry prospered.
-The rise of Liberalism, Nationalism, and Socialism Although the Industrial Revolution brought new wealth to many western nations, a large percentage of it went to the manufacturers and bankers as previously discussed. The common people working in the factories worked long hours for low pay. The wealthy benenfactors of industry used their new wealth to influence the government and Liberalism and Socialism were responses to this problem. Both philosophies sought to improve the lives of the workers through government intervention.
Nationalism was a response to the Industrial Revolution in a slightly more subtle way. People from various parts of the region were suddenly brought together in cities. This contributed to the need for groups of people to think of themselves as a nation. Nationalism was the result. It gave the people something that they had in common with each other.
-Revolution in France, the Germanic States, Austrian Empire, and the revolts in the Italian States The various revolutions across Europe in the 1800s were often the result of clashes between the powers representing the old monarchies and the newer worldviews heavily influenced by the Industrial Revolution (Liberalism, Socialism). In addition, the Industrial Revolution brought many of the lower classes together in cities where ideas about rights and talk of discontent could spread more quickly. From there, it wasn’t a far step to workers putting up barricades, revolting and taking on the government in bids for changes.
-The Reform in Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution brought many changes and not all of them were positive ones. The lives of workers could be miserable. Long hours and low pay were the norm. In the cities, unsanitary conditions prevailed. In an effort to head off revolution, the government introduced reforms that extended protection to workers and granted voting rights to a greater share of the population. Social programs helped the poorest citizens. Public works projects improved sanitation and waste removal in crowded cities.
Post 2 :
The Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain around 1780 and soon spread to continental Europe and the United States. After 1860, Non- European nations begun to industrialize. During the Industrial Revolution, as a new class of industrial capitalists and factory owners arose, the men and women, and their families strengthened the wealth and size of the middle class. The demands of modern industry frequently brought the interest of the middle – class industrialists into conflicts with the people who worked for them, the working class. Also, enslaved labor contributed to the industrialization process in many ways. Early industrialists dealt in a highly competitive economic system. In order to cut production costs and stay afloat, many of the profits had to go back into the business for new and better equipment. Most early industrialists utilized their families and friends for labor and capital, but they came from a variety of backgrounds.
With more people in the workforce, people demanded higher wages and better standards of living/working. Liberalism which is based on liberty and equality is when liberals demand representative government and equality before the law as well as individual freedoms such as freedom of press, freedom of assembly, freedom of worship, freedom of speech and freedom from arbitrary. It demanded representative government as opposed to autocratic monarchy and that there is equality for all people, not separate classes and legal rights.
Nationalism which is the idea of each people had its own genius and specific identity that creates itself, especially in a common language and history, and often led to the desire for an independent political state.Early nationalists found inspiration in having a common language, history, culture and territory. By the early 19th century such national unity was more a dream than a reality as far as known by most ethnic groups or national. Between 1850 and 1850 most people who believed in nationalism also believed in liberalism or radical republicanism.
Socialism was a backlash of individualism and industrial society and a move toward cooperation and a sense of community. The key ideas were economic planning, state regulation of property and greater social equality. Early socialists were a diverse group with wide-ranging ideas and an intense desire to help the poor. As industrialization advanced in European cities, working people began to embrace the socialist message. Later, there would be further revolutions.
Great Britain politics was reshaped by the Liberal reform, but change was gradual not a revolution. With the Whigs Reform Bill of 1832, the bill moved British politics in a democratic direction and allow the House of Commons to emerge as the all-important legislative body. Further reforms, some failed, and others helped improve conditions for the majority of the population.
The Revolutions in France, the Germanic States (hoping for unification), Austrian Empire and the Italian States is that although some of the revolutions started off strong, ultimately, they all eventually failed.You had the different classes of people, working together to earn economic and political rights. Outnumbered by people/troops, lack of large amounts of funds and lack of stability seems to be some of the possible reasons some of the revolutions, were not everlasting. Also, these revolutions did little to raise the standards of living of most workers, peasants and artisans. Sometimes it seems, it was all for naught. It was not, just wasn’t the right time in history for those changes yet.