How Do I Choose to Lead and Why Do/Will People Follow?
This assignment is the third in a series of assignments that willresult in your final Personal Leadership Statement due in Week 4. Thisweek, you will articulate an intentional and informed understanding ofyour leadership theory/lens.
Based on the required weekly reading, the snapshots presentations,your observations of the leader, Aaron Feuerstein, and your lifeexperiences, write a 1- to 2-page reflection that addresses thefollowing:
Articulate your preferred leadership theory/lenses.
Select from those reviewed in chapter 1 of Snapshots of Great Leadership (Howell & Wanasika, 2019).
How is this theory/lens supported by your strengths?
Why will people choose to follow you?
How will you meet the four basic needs of followers as addressed by Rath and Conchie (2008)?
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
Click here for information on course rubrics.
Howell, J. P., & Wanasika, I. (2019). Snapshots of great leadership (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2008). Strengths based leadership: Greatleaders, teams, and why people follow. New York, NY: Gallup Press.