Using 3 or more articles and/or videos from assigned class material, as well
as your actual experiences registering voters and interviewing non-voters, write an
essay (500-700 words) explaining the key structural challenges in American
Democracy. You need to make connection among these three articles which means they are discussing the same issue.
For example, why people are not willing to vote?
List the three articles/videos you incorporated into your essay:
Article/video #1: Title, Author:
Article/video #2: Title, Author:
Article/video #3: Title, Author:
Below are the links for the articles:
Voting: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO), (Published on Feb 14, 2016)
“Everything mattered: lessons from 2016’s bizarre presidential election. WTF justhappened?,” David Roberts, (Nov 30, 2016)
“The Election Reform Moment,” John Nichols, The Nation (Feb. 18, 2013)“¦
“The End of the Solid South,” Bob Moser, The American Prospect (May/June,2013)
“Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump: The 2016 electionwas really a battle about having an open society,” Sean McElwee and JasonMcDaniel, The Nation (March 14, 2017)”¦
“The System IS Rigged!The Electoral College and the 2016 Election by BobWing, Bill Fletcher Jr., Common Dreams (November 30, 2016)“¦
“This is actually what America would look like without gerrymandering,” byChristopher Ingraham, Washington Post (January 13, 2016) https://Page 6 of”¦
“The United States Senate is a failed institution: It’s a malapportioned, antidemocratic embarrassment,” Ian Millhiser, Think Progress website (April 6, 2017)”¦
“Kabuki Democracy: And How to Fix It- Why a Progressive Presidency isImpossible, For Now,” Eric Alterman, The Nation (1/5/2011)”¦