After you have read the Code of Ethics Chapter in your text book (attached) answer the following questions using MLA format (see Drop Box Rules below).
Number your answers:
Paragraph 1 – Locate the Code of Ethics for your major or field of interest and provide the link and citation. In a full paragraph provide a brief summary of the code. Use your own words.
Helpful Hint – If you ever have trouble with research you should go to the campus library Writing Commons where they are more than happy to help with research, writing, etc.. For those who cannot make it to campus please use the Ask-A-Librarian link in the Begin Here Module
Paragraph 2 – In a full paragraph, discuss the code level at which you believe your code of ethics was written. Support your answer by properly citing the Code of Ethics Chapter in your Text book.
Paragraph 3 – Locate a recent reliable article regarding a moral issue within your field/major and provide the link to this article. Provide a brief, full paragraph, summary of the article.
Write the main moral issue of the article in the correct format.. Bold print the issue.
Paragraph 4 – Solve the main moral issue using your code of ethics. Cite specific evidence and terminology from the text book and your code. Discuss in detail. This answer should be at least one paragraph in length.
Paragraph 5 – Reflect on the resolution. Discuss if the code’s resolution was just. If the resolution was not just, explain why, and what changes in the code would you recommend to solve the ethical issue justly. This should be a full paragraph.
Reminder – A college level paragraph should be at least 5 – 7 sentences. The word count should be a minimum of 500 words. Include your word count.
Be sure to review the “Drop Box Grading Criteria – Code of Ethics” in the file below.
Do not use quotes unless specifically requested by your instructor. Use your own words.
Dropbox Rules
You should not submit more than once (except for originality issues – see below), so be sure your assignment is complete.
Attach your submission in the proper MS Word format .doc or .docx or .rtf.
Exporting a Pages File as Word Format from the Mac with Pages App
Open the Pages file you want to convert / save to Word format into the Pages app for OS X.
Go to the “File” menu and choose “Export To”, then select “Word” from the sub-menu list.
Then upload the word document into the drop box.
To receive full credit use MLA format. Place your name, the professor’s name, the course name and the date in the upper left hand corner. Include a Work Cited page.
Include your word count.
Use your own words and give credit (citations). See Understanding Plagiarism Activity and How to Avoid Plagiarism in Module 1 – Academic Integrity.
It is the student’s responsibility to check your Originality Report and resubmit before the due date if needed. Highlighted areas should only be citations, names and properly cited quotes (if your professor allows quotations). To learn how to view your originality report, go to Course Content-MyCourses Tutorials-Dropbox-Viewing a TurnItIn (Originality Report).
If you have any technical problems contact Technical Support immediately. Their contact information is online -727-341-HELP.
STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY – after submitting your assignment, view your work to be sure it was submitted properly.
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