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Accounting 230
Summer 2019, First Session
Financial Statement Analysis Project
Each student will select a unique company, retrieve the most current set of financial statements for that company, and write an analysis of the financial position of that company using those financial statements.
Each student must select one U.S. publicly traded company (a company that is listed on a U.S. stock exchange). No two students may report on the same company, and neither Nike nor Under Armor may be selected as they are used as the examples in Chapter 12. To ensure this, students must register their choice of company with the professor either on the list provided in class or via e-mail. Companies will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who fail to register their choice of company will have ten points deducted from their final assignment grade.
Once a company has been selected, each student will need to locate and download the complete set of financial statements released by that company for the most current fiscal year. The financial statements may be in the form of an Annual Report or a form 10K. These may be found on the company websites under “Investor Relations”, on, or through the SEC EDGAR database
Using the financial statements, each student will write an analysis of the financial position of their company. The analysis should follow the conventions for professional business writing and should be approximately 750 words in length (about three pages double-spaced).