Also need done in Excel.
I have attached an example of the excel sheet.
Consider and discuss the specific risks and nature of Barnes & Noble and create comprehensive work programs for the Equipment (Fixed Assets).
Submit a 500- to 700 -word document that includes the following:
Audit steps for tests of controls, balances, transactions, analytical procedures, etc. as well as other considerations such as sample size and sample methodology.
A brief summary page should be included in this document, 525 to 700 words, for each of the audit programs. Include in this summary specific financial information gleaned from the current Form 10-K used to perform an analysis of work program steps. For example, if the team noted significant swings in the Fixed Assets balance year-over-year, identify these swings, and how you address them in your work program (this is in essence an audit procedure – analytical review).
Respond in 100 words
Christine Burton