The proposal must be no more than 5 pages. and if uts related to Saudi it will be better.
My research interests are in the field of health protection (disaster response and emergency planning, control of communicable diseases), international health as well as health service management. My current and recent research projects include
Medecins du Monde funded research collaboration with PHASE Nepal “Towards enhanced waste worker’s health and safe waste management in the Kathmandu Valley” (September 2017 – ongoing).
ESRC-DFID Development Frontiers Research Fund Call 2 2016/17. Resilience policy-making in Nepal: giving voice to communities (ES/R000514/1). (July 2017 – ongoing).
OXFAM Humanitarian Evidence Programme: Investigating recovery, relapse and “drop-outs’ among children treated for severe-acute malnutrition in the humanitarian emergencies’ context – A systematic review of the evidence. (June 2015 – ongoing)
NIHR Policy Research Programme: Identifying and addressing barriers to healthcare access for Hepatitis B in UK Chinese populations. (CATH-B Chinese community Access to Treatment for Hepatitis B). (September 2013 – February 2016)
NIHR-funded study (HTA – 11/46/07): The PAINTED study: PAndemic INfluenza Triage in the Emergency Department. (August 2012 – ongoing)
NIHR-funded study (HS&DR – 11/1022/01): How can international evidence on interventions to manage referral from primary to specialist non-emergency care be applied in a UK context? Development of an inclusive systematic review and logic model. (November 2012 – November 2014)
NIHR-funded study (HS&DR 09/1005/03): Emergency Planning in Health: Scoping study of the international literature, local information resources and key stakeholders. (November 2010 – November 2012)
Insider” and “outsider” collaboration in disaster, conflict and development interventions.
Challenges and the future of humanitarian assistance.
Localisation of aid and community ownership of humanitarian and development discourse.
Traditional and new knowledge systems that improve community wellbeing in uncertainty and danger.
Ethics in evaluation in violently divided societies.
Emerging humanitarian and development discourse through Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS).
this all the interest and it has to be about disatster.