Working with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, andLiability Act National Priority List (NPL)
This assignment will give you practice in preparing and developing apresentation that describes and summarizes a hazardous waste scenario. Beingable to identify key facts and to put these into context for the audience isan important part of developing effective communication skills. You areaddressing community stakeholders who have a vital interest about thishazardous waste incident.
Anniston Army Depot (Southeast Industrial Area) – Use the information thatis available in the reading assignments for this unit to do the following.
Describe why this site is listed on the NPL.
Explain what actions are being taken to remediate the site.
Provide a detailed and comprehensive presentation that includes butis not limited to issues, impacts, clean-up activities, andstatus.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 15 slides, not countingyour title and reference slides. Ensure you provide an informativeintroduction to the presentation. It would be beneficial to include graphics,charts, etc. to enhance your presentation. You should include at least oneoutside source besides your textbook for reference. Please ensure that alloutside sources, including your textbook and websites, are cited andreferenced using correct APA-style formatting.