Prototype can be found in this link:
Part 1: Heuristic Evaluation, instructions:
The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience conducting a HeuristicEvaluation (HE). You will conduct an HE on your hi-fi prototype from Assignment #3. Step 1: Inspecteach element against Nielsen’s 10 heuristics. Identify as many negative aspects as you can. For eachidentified violation of the heuristics, record ID, name, and heuristic, and combine into a table format(column #1: ID, column #2: Name, column #3: Heuristic).
Step 2: Summarize your findings as UsabilityAspect Reports (UARs). Each “negative” UAR should include ID, Name, Evidence, Explanation,Severity (rating and justification with respect to frequency, impact and persistence – you must discuss allthree to get full points), and Solution. Also, capture a couple positive aspects that you feel stand out. Each”positive” UAR should include ID, Name, Evidence, and Explanation. Include a screenshot with eachUAR for easy reference.Deliverable: Include a link to your hi-fi prototype along with a report with results from Step 1 (table) andStep 2 (UARs with screenshots).
Part 2: Mental Models, instructions:
The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience designing for a clearmental model. Identify three Metaphors, Natural Mappings of Control, Virtual Affordances,Feedforwards, AND/OR Feedbacks (i.e., three total, not three each) that could potentially improve yourhi-fi prototype from Assignment #3. For each identified improvement, record: Name (type ofimprovement, i.e., Metaphor, Feedforward, etc.), Description (a detailed paragraph explaining themodification of your design, which could be related to a single screen of your app, or the entire app),Motivation (why this change is neededdescribe your motivation in detail relative to either narrowingthe Gulf of Execution, Gulf of Evaluation, or both, and clearly explain how your improvement will betteralign the user’s mental model with the developer’s mental model), Heuristics (list all Nielsen’s heuristicsthat your improvement matches), Screenshot (provide a screenshot of the specific screen from your appfor easy reference; if your improvement covers your entire app, include a screenshot of a screen that is agood representative).Deliverable: A report identifying three improvements toward designing for a clearer mental model. Eachidentified improvement should be summarized using the format Name, Description, Motivation,Heuristics, and Screenshot, as previously described.
I have attached some lecture power points encase you’d like more info on how to do the Heuristic evaluation with the UAR’s and Mental models.
Lecture 2 for UAR’s
Lecture 9 for Heuristic evaluation
Lecture 11 for Mental Model