CSUS235 Michigan State The Other Hangover Messaging Strategy Case Discussion
Discussion QuestionsExamining Campaign Strategy
As you read in the case study, it is important to recognize that themessaging strategy used by The Other Hangover campaign wasintentionally designed to be provocative in an effort to stand out and grabcollege students’ attention.
1. What are some of the potential criticisms that members of thecommunity might have regarding the approach of the campaign and itsfocus on reputations and the social consequences of binge drinking?Gilkerson, Gross & Ahneman “The Other Hangover”Case Studies in Strategic Communication, 2 | 2013 115
2. What “public relations” issues should the sponsors of the campaign beprepared to address, and what key messages should they emphasizewhen responding to these criticisms? Are some of the potentialcriticisms of the campaign fair?
3. While obviously everyone will not always agree with the messagingused by a public health campaign, does this particular campaign crossa line and go too far in attempting to be edgy?Campaign Sponsorship and Strategy ImplicationsThe Other Hangover was developed independently by group ofundergraduate advertising students participating in a competitionandthe money used to implement the campaign they created was provided byan outside group which is funded by the distilling industry.
4. If you were a key administration official at the University where thiscampaign was developed, what concerns would you have aboutallowing the campaign to be implemented on campus?
5. Is the source of the campaign funding, corporations within the alcoholindustry itself, a potential ethical issue?
6. What might be some of the unintended messages that communitymembers might take away from this campaign?
7. What other members of the community, such as health and publicsafety officials, might consider themselves to be stakeholders in acampaign like The Other Hangoverand what sorts of concerns mightthose individuals have about the campaign?Campaign Messaging and Advertising ExecutionsLook back at the various advertising executions used by The OtherHangover campaign, including the print ads (used for posters and busshelter ads) and sidewalk-cling messages.Gilkerson, Gross & Ahneman “The Other Hangover”Case Studies in Strategic Communication, 2 | 2013 116
8. Considering the messaging strategy and advertising images that werechosen, who specifically do you think the “target audience” wasintended to be? Are there certain audiences that are ignored by thecampaign?
9. Do you think the messages and images in the campaign could bemisinterpreted (or considered offensive) by some audiences?
10. Are there ways in which the campaign could be adapted to bettercommunicate to some groups, or would this serve to dilute orotherwise weaken the message?Campaign Evaluation EffortEvaluating the success or failure of an advertising campaign is often adifficult and messy endeavor, especially because a real world campaigndoesn’t operate within a vacuum (or in a controlled laboratory!), butinstead is only one part of a noisy and complex media environment.
11. Considering the results outlined in the case study, did the evaluators ofThe Other Hangover campaign create useful measures for the successof the project?
12. Was their evaluation design, which utilized a series of longitudinalonline surveys of University undergraduates who were exposed to thecampaign, a fair approach in gauging student reactions and attitudestoward the campaign? What other types of evaluation efforts couldhave been conducted?
13. Considering the results of the evaluation, should the campaignorganizers declare that the project was indeed a success?
14. Realizing binge-drinking isn’t likely to be eliminated through a singlecampaign, how should “success” be defined when thinking about acampaign like The Other Hangover?
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