For the Essay #1 peer review, you will be placed into a four-person peer review group. You will be able to see everyone’s drafts, but you should only respond to the drafts of those in your peer review group. Any time after your group mates’ drafts are uploaded, you can start reviewing these drafts.
Begin by rereading the prompt for the essay you will review. Even if this is the same prompt your essay addresses, it can be helpful and beneficial for you to reread the language of the prompt – both as a writer and as a reviewer. Does the draft include all the prompt’s listed minimum requirements? If not or if you’re not sure, be sure to make suggestions for how to clarify or fulfill these requirements in your ten feedback points or in your memo.
After reading the draft, look over the essay grading criteria to help you give purposeful, constructive feedback. Use track changes or print the draft and physically write in the margins to give at least ten in-text comments that note areas that are strong (at least five notes)and areas that need help (at least five notes). For each of these notes, work to describe, evaluate, and suggest. Describe by saying in your own words what the writer is trying to say or how they might be trying to do what the assignment demands. Evaluate by saying how well the draft meets your expectations for what you described or the assignment criteria. Suggest by offering a strategy, technique or question that will help them revisit this area. Explain your notes carefully and thoroughly. If a sentence is not clear, explain why. If you like something, explain why. Offering strong, specific, extensive feedback is part of good writing and critical thinking.
To submit feedback for each draft, use the “reply” function on the original draft post, and insert a link or a file that has your comments/tracked changes, and write a letter or memo of 250 words or more back to the writer. This memo helpfully and constructively describes, evaluates, and suggests (see above) for the essay as a whole. This includes summarizing the writer’s thesis and/or points and evaluating how they are making or trying to make a purposeful, cohesive essay. Give your overall advice for moving this draft forward to a final, polished, professional final paper.
This peer review – including your initial draft post and three replies with feedback for three peers – is worth 60 points.