Fighting Prejudice through History Education
Purpose: Amid these turbulent times, where intolerance and the fight against it seem to be at a momentary peak, education remains a powerful tool in the fight against discrimination. According to UNESCO, The role of education at all social levels and in particular of young generations, remains one of the best ways to stop the proliferation of racist and discriminatory discourses and to foster intercultural exchanges.
Knowledge: Drawing upon this logic, we can conclude that teaching about the repercussions of injustice can serve as a means to fight to bigotry and prejudice.
Tasks: As a basis for this project, you will use the topic and material chosen for your research paper. You will create an educational medium in the form of a presentation (Power Point, Adobe Spark, etc) or video, which will serve to educate the public about the social justice movement you are researching, along with the injustices that brought it about.
Skills: Use of computer and/media technology as a means to communicate information in a clear and accessible manner.
Guidelines for Service Project
Project Delivery:
· For those making a video:
· Is the video/audio clear?
· Is any text presented in the video free from spelling and grammatical errors?
· Is the video 4-5 minutes in length?
· For those creating a presentation:
· Does the presentation have 8-10 slides?
· Is the text free from spelling and grammatical errors?
· Is the text spaced and large enough to read when projected?
Reflection assignment:
· Did you submit a reflection assignment?
· Does it fully address the question presented?