The course is Finance 301, Introduction to Managerial Finance
The news analysis exercise should be considered as a mini-lecture for the class. You are going to be the expert on this topic. This assignment is intended tofocus your attention on the financial press as it relates to this course. Each team is required toselect an article that appeared in either FINANCIAL TIMES or WALL STREET JOURNAL nomore than 15 days prior to the due date of assignment. This article will be one that illustrates oramplifies concepts we have discussed in class or raises questions about how these conceptsapply in practice. A good analysis will summarize the story and show how the reportedphenomenon conforms to the theory or diverges from what the theory predicts. You areencouraged to introduce material from other sources where you feel this will help the class toput the story into proper context. Your presentation to the class should be no more than 15minutes, followed by a question and answer session. In addition to the oral presentation, youare required to submit your work in writing, accompanied by the copy of the story. Theassignment must be typed and accompanied by a signature page with the names andsignatures of each member of the group. A group member without a signature will not earn anygrade from that assignment.
Your assignment must contain the following;
1) A copy of the article
2) Your analysis
3) References
4) Signatures of all the group members.
You will be graded on the quality of your presentation and the thoroughness of the analysis. Pleasesee the Appendix for a Sample article and descriptions on how you should organize youranalysis. (Included photos)
**This assignment will need a brief power point about the article.