STAT 535
A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Masters of Business Administration
Month Year
Contents PROJECT BACKGROUND 2 Purpose of the Study 2 Context of the Problem, Challenge Opportunity or Issue 2 Objectives of the Study 2 Limitations of the Study 2 Assumptions of the Study 2 Significance of the Study 2 What are the goals of the Study 2 Significance of the Topic to the Writer 2 Significance of the Topic to Stakeholders 2 Broader Implications of the Topic 2 INFORMATION and LITERATURE REVIEW 3 Brief Summary of the Literature on the Subject 3 Systematic Review of the Literature 3 Descriptive Statistics 3 Descriptive Graphs 4 PROJECT ANALYSIS 5 Analysis of the Literature Review Research Findings 5 Simple Linear Regression Analysis 5 Single Sample Hypothesis Test of the Mean 5 Chi-Square Analysis 5 PROJECT SUMMARY 6 Conclusions 6 Specific Recommendations 6 Suggestions for Future Research 6 References 6 Appendices 8 Appendix A: Data Set 8 Appendix B: Pictures of Analysis 9 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2 Purpose of the Study 2 Context of the Problem, Challenge Opportunity or Issue 2 Objectives of the Study 2 Limitations of the Study 2 Assumptions of the Study 2 Significance of the Study 2 What are the goals of the Study 2 Significance of the Topic to the Writer 2 Significance of the Topic to Stakeholders 2 Broader Implications of the Topic 2 Information and Literature Review 3 Brief Summary of the Literature on the Subject 3 Systematic Review of the Literature 3 Descriptive Statistics 3 Descriptive Graphs 4 PROJECT ANALYSIS 5 Analysis of the Literature Review Research Findings 5 Simple Linear Regression Analysis 5 Single Sample Hypothesis Test of the Mean 5 Chi-Square Analysis 5 PROJECT SUMMARY 6 Conclusions 6 Specific Recommendations 6 Suggestions for Future Research 6 Ethical considerations 6 References 7 Appendices 8 Appendix A: Data Set 9 Appendix B: Pictures of Analysis 10
Purpose of the Study
Context of the Problem, Challenge Opportunity or Issue
[Insert the background or a description of the problem or challenge that prompted the research]
Objectives of the Study
[Insert any objectives in performing this research]
Limitations of the Study
[Insert any limitations you had in writing up the results]
Assumptions of the Study
[Insert any assumptions for this research]
Significance of the Study
What are the goals of the Study
[Insert any goals for the research]
Significance of the Topic to the Writer
[Insert any significance this research has to the researcher]
Significance of the Topic to Stakeholders
[Insert the significance of the topic to the people reading the study]
Broader Implications of the Topic
Industry implications.
[Insert any industry implications from the research]
Global implications.
[Insert any global implications from the research]
INFORMATIONnformation and LITERATUREiterature REVIEWeview
Brief Summary of the Literature on the Subject
[Insert a summary of the literature found on the research topic]
Systematic Review of the Literature
Summary and Relevance of the Literature to the problem or questions
[Insert any relevance the literature sources had to the research questions involved in this study]
Thematic Findings in Literature as Applied to the Topic
[Insert any research themes found in this study]
Key Ddefinitions.
[Insert any key abbreviations or definitions of terms in this study]
Ethical Cconsideration from the Lliterature Rreview.
[Insert any ethical considerations that the literature review brought up]
Descriptive Statistics
Type of Vvariables in the Ddata Sset.
[Insert any research variables involved in this study]
[Insert any research questions involved in this study]
Descriptive Graphs
[Insert any research graphs involved in this study]
Analysis of the Literature Review Research Findings
Simple Linear Regression Analysis
[Insert which research question(s) you are answering]
[Insert a table or paragraph of any regression statistics like the regression formula and r-squared value]
[Insert simple linear regression scatterplot]
[Insert your judgment based on the analysis performed]
[Insert any ethical considerations that the analysis brought up]
Single Sample Hypothesis Test of the Mean
[Insert which research question(s) you are answering]
[Insert a table or paragraph of any regression statistics like t statistic value, p-value, sample size, and level of significance]
[Insert a picture of the analysis done in the spreadsheet]
[Insert your judgment based on the analysis performed]
[Insert any ethical considerations that the analysis brought up]
Chi-Square Analysis
[Insert which research question(s) you are answering]
[Insert a table or paragraph of any chi-square statistics like the chi-square value, p-value, sample size, and level of significance]
[Insert a picture of the contingency table in the spreadsheet]
[Insert your judgment based on the analysis performed]
[Insert any ethical considerations that the analysis brought up]
[Insert any conclusions you have drawn from the research]
Specific Recommendations
[Insert any recommendations you have drawn from the research]
Suggestions for Future Research
[Insert any suggestions for future research]
Ethical considerations
[Insert any ethical considerations you have drawn from the research]