the issue of whistleblowers who take action for personal fame orbenefit. This presents us with a dilemma: does the presence of amaterial benefit reduce the ethical value of an action? Perhaps,conversely, is doing something “good” without apparent materialbenefit morally superior than actions taken that have some personalbenefit? If someone is employed by a division of the United Nations as aphysician and does eye surgery on poor people in a poor country, are they less”good” than an American physician who spends his/her vacation doingthe same thing without pay?
It is an interesting sidediscussion to the idea of whistle blowing.
Guthrie, C. P., & Taylor, E. Z. (2017). Whistleblowing on Fraud for Pay: Can I Trust You? Journal of Forensic Accounting Research, 2(1), A1-A19.”¦