Concepts in this unit cover personal factors, environmental characteristics(technological change, globalization, emerging employment relationships),individual challenges, and group or team satisfaction.
Assume you are the CEO of a bicycle manufacturing company that has beenacquired in a hostile takeover by a competing firm. You have been retained asthe CEO of the acquired company to ensure the transition goes smoothly. Yourchallenges are to reduce the cost of manufacturing, cut staff, and integratethe parent-company’s employees into your division. From an organizationalbehavior perspective, outline and explain your decision-making actionsregarding the areas listed below:
employee relationships and integration,
technological changes,
globalization, and
retention of employee talent.
Your essay must be at least two pages in length and be double-spaced. Includean introduction, and use at least one source from the CSU Online Library tosupport your essay. All sources used, including the textbook, must bereferenced; paraphrased and quoted material must adhere to APAprotocols.