Type of paperAssignment
Number of pages1
Format of citationOther
Number of cited resources0
Type of serviceWriting
Question A: In his essay Herodotus as an Ancient Journalist (posted on bboard) Saltzman claims that: Herodotus was arguably the first writer to try to figure out what was reliable and what was unreliable information by the use of what he called autopsy knowing through first-hand experience and personal observation, being at an event rather than reporting what happened by interviewing other people (page 156). -How is this demonstrated in the selections from Histories Book 1 you have read? Do you detect any particular sections where autopsy appears authentic and convincing? Please use specific examples from Herodotus text to illustrate your point of view. -Does Saltzman, in your opinion, make a convincing argument about Herodotus as an ancient journalist? You need to use examples from HIS essay to illustrate your opinion. Do not generalize. Write a four-paragraph response to answer the above.