SOCW6070 Walden WK 4 Looking Through Different Cultural Lenses Discussion
Due 06/19/2019
Respond to at least two colleagues in the following ways: (please be very detailed in response, use APA references)
Address a colleague’s post that differs from yours with regard to at least one cultural lens and expand upon the colleague’s interpretation of Paula’s needs.
Explain whether you might use your colleague’s strategy for addressing multiple perspectives when treating clients, and explain why.
Response to Kahle,
How I, as a Social Worker, Might Interpret the Needs of Paula Cortez, Through Cultural Lenses
Gender seemed to have a significant impact on the case and interactions with the interdisciplinary treatment team. Heath, Mitchell, and Fletcher (2019) suggested that ethical practice should incorporate treatment, insight, and services that promote individual choice. While it’s essential that Paula is aware of the possible complications of pregnancy. I thought the Psychiatrist’s abortion advice incorporated his assumptions, biases, perspectives, and interpretations into the case. According to Bent-Goodley (2007), gender influences include increased risk of intimate partner abuse. Treatment of consumers experiencing barriers requiring improving assessment tools, collaboration, evidence-based practice, and cultural competence. Viewing Paula’s mental health through a cultural lens includes her possible perspective/beliefs around medication and her pregnancy. Taylor et al. (2018) research evidenced benefits of psychotropics in the treatment of pregnant women with a severe mental health disorder. Recommending that medication awareness and utilizing drugs safe for both the mother and baby contributed to adequate and culturally sensitive treatment. Medication compliant mothers were also associated with overall improved mental/medical engagement.
How I would Incorporate Multiple Perspectives of a Variety of Stakeholders and Human Services Professionals as I Treat Clients
Chun-Chung Chow and Austin (2008) suggested assessing service area’s and practices cultural competencies, inefficiencies are not always evident and require developmental and quality assurance measures. Overall goals of stakeholders should be to provide effective services and empower consumers, utilizing responsive processes, policies, and continuous development. Community involvement promotes organization innovation and cultural humility while developing a positive reputation/respect in the community.
Bent-Goodley, T. B. (2007). Health disparities and violence against women: Why and how cultural and societal influences matter. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 8(2), 90-104.
Chun-Chung Chow, J., & Austin, M. J. (2008). The culturally responsive social service agency: The application of an evolving definition to a case study. Administration in Social Work, 32(4), 39-64.
Heath, J., Mitchell, N., & Fletcher, J. (2019). A comparison of termination of pregnancy procedures: Patient choice, emotional impact and satisfaction with care. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 19, 42-49. doi:10.1177/1524838007301160.
Taylor, C. L., Broadbent, M., Khondoker, M., Stewart, R. J., & Howard, L. M. (2018). Predictors of severe relapse in pregnant women with psychotic or bipolar disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 104, 100-107.
Response to Hilda
Interpret the Needs of Paula Cortez, Through the Two Cultural Lenses, You Selected.
The cultural lenses I chose to assist Paula are socioeconomic and mental health. The field of social work no longer considers cultural awareness to be just race. The field of social work is increasing its cultural lenses to include other populations besides race (Chow & Austin, 2008). The viewpoint from both lenses will enhance Paula’s treatment.
The first socioeconomic lens provides the ability to view Paula’s needs to form a social and financial perspective. Paula has limited income and will have an increased expense of a baby. As a social worker, I will focus on finding adequate housing and financial resources that will not allow her to isolate herself or the baby.
The second lens, mental health, allows the social worker to understand why she is not in compliance with her medication. Paula has been educated multiple times on the seriousness of taking her medication and treating her foot wound. She disregarded all medical advice and began to use chamomile tea (Laureate Education, 2014). As a social worker, I would work with Paula to understand why she is changing from medical to personal treatment. The change can be due to mental health rather just defiance. If this is the case I will provide her the necessary treatment to get changed back to medical care.
You would incorporate multiple perspectives of a variety of stakeholders and/or human services professionals as you treat clients.
I would partner with housing service