University of California Irvine Animal Human Coexistence Portfolio Project
Instructions for Final Portfolio
For your final portfolio, you will compile your representative writing from our class. This portfolio can be organized in any way you wish, provided that it demonstrates what you’ve learned about reading, writing, rhetoric and revision, and provided that I can find what I need to find quickly and easily.
Your portfolio should not include every piece of writing you’ve done this quarter. However, your portfolio must include:
A detailed, reflective and extensive Introductory Letter for the entire portfolio
The final revision of your Rhetorical Analysis
The final draft of your Rhetoric-in-Practice Project and Essay
The final revision of your complete Working Bibliography
In addition to these final assignments, you are invited to include an appendix of 3 to 5 additional assignments (aka artifacts) that you think helps you make a case for a key strength, key area of growth, etc. These include:
Discussion posts (or discussion responses to your peers)
Exploratory or draft writing (as demonstration of early writing that inspired you/horrified you/shows us how far you’ve come)
Presentation/group work from class
Peer review memos/comments
Then, each item in your final portfolio must be annotated with reflective comments. (How you do this commentary is up to you. Make it attractive and easy to read.) What’s important is this:
The annotations/commentary from you should make it clear why this writing is in your portfolio, why you want me to notice it, or how it demonstrates what grade you’ve earned.
Use specific language from the rubric, pointing to places where we can see a skill in action, improvement in argument or expression, etc.
Identify those moments where you learned something important, and show how that learning manifested itself in more solid writing.
Identify those moments where you could identify some growth as a writer and researcher.
Write at least two comments on each major paper. Make as many comments as occur to you to make a clear, compelling case for your success.
The basic principles of the portfolio are these:
Show me what you learned
Show me where you succeeded
Show me how you succeeded
REMEMBER: Each part of the portfolio is important. You can’t write a good introductory letter and expect a good grade if the evidence of your portfolio doesn’t add up. Likewise, you can’t get a good grade if your introductory letter and annotations don’t show an awareness of your strengths and weaknesses.
And in this assignment you should write a introduction part. I will send you all my main assignment for you and one sample of my midterm portfolio, you can look it over. Also I will send you some high grade portfolio for you to look at.
My midterm portfolio:”¦
Other sample :
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