1. To better understand yourself as you prepare for community engagement, complete the following two activities:
Complete the VIA character strength inventory. Go to https://www.viacharacter.org/ and “Take the Free Survey”. Once you have completed the survey, you will be provided with a report of your strengths. Make note of your strengths; you will need to reflect on your results later.
Complete the Working Styles Questionnaire. To complete the survey, download the “Working Styles Survey”. Once you have completed the questions, follow the scoring instructions to compute your score.
Verbal Interpretation of Working Styles and general recommendations
** If the link above does not work, please refer to this document : Working Style Category Descriptions.pdf
Once you have finished both measures, reflect on your results. You do not need to submit your survey responses/results.
2. Write down your responses to the following questions:
What are your strengths?
Did anything surprise you about the strengths that were listed?
What kind(s) of working style(s) best describe you?
Did anything surprise you about the working styles that were listed?
Be sure to cite your surveys in APA and include these at the end in a reference list.
No Author (2019). VIA Character Strength Survey. Retrieved from http://www.viacharacter.org/www/.
Heasman, B. (2000). The Working Styles Questionnaire. Retrieved from https://mylearningspace.wlu.ca/content/enforced/276256-2687.201809/Working%20Styles%20Survey.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=jyzQLMJw6qYbJP2BFK73FV8fV&ou=276256.
Submit up to a 400 word double spaced reflection.