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Your essay should have one-inch margins (top, bottom, right, left), be double-spaced (without the extra 10 pt. spacing between lines), use the Times New Roman font throughout, including in the header and footer for wherever you paginate, and have a 12-point print size. Paginate each page except the first in the top right corner. Your title should be at the top of your first page (one inch from the top), centered, with your first paragraph double-spaced below it. Do not italicize, bold print, or place your own title under quotation marks. Your essay should also be at least 1200 words or 4-5 pages long.
Also, use MLA parenthetical citation of quotations from the readings you include in your essay. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism, which is no bueno. Also, there should be no free-standing quotations, so set up each quotation with your own words. For instance: In “The Cult of Ethnicity,” Schlesinger states, “The new American nationality was inescapably English in language, ideas and institutions” (63). If a quotation is longer than four of your one-inch margined lines, indent it one-inch on the left (not on the right) and set it up like a shorter quotation, with your own words. (Five sources minimum & three stakeholders).